Visual Journal Inspiration
I am a firm believer in the value of sketchbooks. Some of the greatest minds in history from Leonardo DaVinci to Albert Einstein to JK...
TAB Done Right
I recently took my Methods of Teaching Art student to visit Mary Ann Herron's classroom. Mary Ann teaches at Radcliffe Creek School, a...
Behold the power of the "Cootie Catcher"!
Remember the cootie catcher? That little piece of origami magic that made for hours of fun around the lunch table (or in those...
3 Tech Tools Arts Teachers Can Use RIGHT NOW!
With so many tech tools out in the world, how's a teacher supposed to know where to look? Here are three of my favorites to kick off...
Teachers Are Bridge-Builders
Teachers are bridge-builders. It has been said that teachers are the gatekeepers to a child’s success. I disagree. I believe that good...